Friday, March 28

Pinewood Derby

Derby prep...

The Final Racecar

Ryan and Glenn made enormous improvements on their Pinewood Derby car this year. Last year, dead last and this year, 4th place overall! Ryan even won several heats. But most of all, Ryan bonded with his dad.


Kim said...

Wow! Very impressive! We went this year from last the last couple years to actually winning one heat at least with each boy! I can't imagine the joy there would be at our house if they'd won overall like Ryan!

Unknown said...

Hey Aimee - it was fun to see your family! They look so much like you! Hope you are doing well.

Forмoѕυѕ Eт Venυѕтυѕ said...

What a nice family!!!

Have a nice day!!!

Scott & Tami said...

I'm in!!!! I love the blog....I'll be checkin in on you. I'm impressed about your cake....did you make Cole's cake? It was awesome!!!